Healthcare Network P&L Statement and Expansion Projects
MAX Definitions
Cash from operations
EBITDA per bed
Gross Revenue
Indirect overheads
Net Revenue
Operating EBITDA
Greenfield / Brownfield
Average Length of Stay: discharged patients stay in the hospital, basis admission and discharge time
Average Revenue per Occupied Bed; Gross revenue divided by the occupied bed days; excludes revenue from Covid-19
vaccination & related antibody tests and Max Lab operations
Represents cash generated from operations after amount deployed for routine capex, finance cost and working capital
changes relating to operations
Net revenue minus material cost, F&B cost and salary/professional fess paid to clinicians credentialed for OPD consultations
and IPD admissions
Represents self pay, private insurance & international patient segments where hospital tariff is the basis for billing/
Operating EBITDA divided by occupied bed days, annualised. Excludes incremental EBITDA from Covid-19 vaccination &
related antibody tests and Max Lab operations
Amount billed to the patients/customers as per contracted/rack rates, as applicable, including the patients from the
economically weaker section (EWS) on discharge basis; Also includes movement in unbilled revenue at the end of the
period for patients admitted in the hospital on reporting date and other operating income such as SEIS income, EPCG
income, unclaimed balances written back, etc.
Major costs include - Personnel costs (excl. clinicians credentialed for OPD consultations and IPD admissions), hospital
services, admin, provision for doubtful debts, advertisement and allied costs, power and utilities, repair and maintenance
Gross revenue minus management discounts, amount billed to EWS patients, employee discounts, marketing discounts and
allowance for deductions for expected credit loss
Occupied Bed Days
Contribution minus indirect overheads, excluding one-off expenses, extraordinary expenses and specific non-cash expenses
(itemised separately) which are accrued due to IND AS requirements, but are not operating in nature;
Greenfield expansion denotes capacity addition at a new hospital in a new location; Brownfield expansion implies bed
addition at or within 1 km of existing, operational Max hospital
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