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Investor Presentaiton

Annual Report AR 2022 SUMMARY WHO WE ARE Stability of the Currency Purchasing Power The year of 2022 was challenging from a monetary policy standpoint. The year-over-year (YoY) inflation rate, measured by the IPCA, reached 5.79% in December, above the upper limit of the tolerance interval (5%). Some factors were especially relevant to explain the behavior of inflation. 11% 12-month inflation 12.13% 8% OUR STRENGTH 5% AND OUR RESOURCES 2% December 2021 April 2022 OUR RESULTS target accomplished 5.79% December 2022 Inertia had an important contribution to inflation in 2022 due to the high inflation in 2021 of 10.06%, affecting both market and administered prices inflation. In the case of market prices, past inflation means current costs pressure, arising both from other prices of goods and services used as inputs and from informal inertial mechanisms of wage indexation. For example, adjustments in wage negotiations tended to follow past inflation, although to a lesser extent, for much of the year. In the case of administered prices, institutional arrangements link the adjustment of prices to past inflation, especially in the case of health insurance and drug prices. The rise in commodity prices, especially oil, also affected 2022 inflation, especially in the first half of the year, and acted indirectly in 2022 through the high impact on 2021 inflation. Commodity prices fell in the second half of 2022, influenced by the perspective of world economic deceleration and the rebalancing of grains supply. Even so, in general, price levels at the end of 2022 were still above those of late 2021, except for metal commodities. Imbalances between demand and supply of inputs and bottlenecks in global supply chains were another determining factor. These pressures reflected changes in consumption patterns caused by the pandemic. There was a proportionally greater share of demand directed toward goods, driven by expansionary policies. As for 2022, these pressures were aggravated by the outbreak of war in Ukraine. These developments, which occurred on a global level, generated excess demand over short-term supply for several goods, causing an imbalance in several countries and sectors. Food price shocks are also one of the main reasons to explain 2022 inflation. These shocks resulted from climate issues, the recovery in the employment level, and the recovery in the demand for services. Conversely, several factors contributed to reducing the deviation of inflation from the target. An important event that contributed to a lower 2022 inflation compared with 2021 were the tax measures involving fuels, electricity, and telecommunications. In April 2022, due to the rainfall improvement, the water scarcity flag effective since September 2021 was replaced by the green flag, which also contributed to reducing inflation. The exchange rate partially counterbalanced the increase in commodity prices. The exchange rate appreciated in the first months of 2022 and, although it depreciated afterwards, it still reached, in 2022Q4, a 5.9% lower average compared to the same period of the previous year. 69
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