Macro Outlook and Financial Performance slide image

Macro Outlook and Financial Performance

CHNW Performance Drivers Net interest revenue FY22: N$804mn FY21: N$ 733mn Profit After Tax FY22: N$279m FY21: N$269m Impairments FY22: N$110mn FY20: N$151mn 4% Paypulse transactional values FY22: N$ 534mn FY21: N$ 442mn KEY TAKEOUTS • Increase in profit was due to the 300 bps increase in repo rate but also through a deliberate plan to reduce impairments. Increase in costs above inflation was due to a reallocation of costs between CHNW, BCB and CIB. . Credit impairments were down to focused actions to manage impairments. • Refer to note 37 13 ↑ 10% √27% ↑ 21% Standard Bank
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