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Investor Presentaiton

Retail Banking Jenius: New Innovations & Updates NEW FEATURE & ENHANCEMENT Rutin investasi dengan Auto Invest Otomatis beli reksa dana harian, mingguan, bulanan. btpr #langkahkecilhariini Kirim Mata Uang Asing ke sesama Jenius gak perlu nomor rekening Prosesnya simpel, cukup pakai $Cashtag $faizmikail Jenius Kirim Jenius pank btpn A MEMBER OF SMBC Group Recurring/ Auto Invest Now Jenius users can invest in mutual funds regularly with Jenius more easily! Besides being able to buy mutual funds, users can also enjoy the following conveniences: Affordable minimum purchase, starting at IDR 10,000. Routine investment is simpler, just activate Auto Invest. Simply choose dozens of products from selected investment managers according to your risk profile. Enhancement of Foreign Currency Feature Transferring Foreign Currency to other Jenius users is easier and simpler. Transfers only need $Cashtag, instant processing available 24 hours, and free of charge! Now the operating hours of buying and selling foreign currencies at Jenius is longer! Users can trade foreign currency from 09.00 to 18.00 WIB.
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