Amur Tiger Conservation Education Program
connected with strong but invisible threads - food webs. Also, the children played a game
"Who Am I?" during which they learned the differences between plants and animals in
the food habits. On November 12 and 17, the educators gave a lesson about ecosystem to
39 four-graders. During the lesson the children defined ecosystem and learned about
interactions of living things in the ecosystem. At the end of the lesson they played three
games: "A Wild Zoo, Food Web" and "Earth's Gifts".
On November 16-17, 23, 26, 29-30 as many as 73 students attended a lesson "My
Totem". The objective of the lesson was to familiarize the young people with traditions of
indigenous people of Primorye, define totemism and expand knowledge on biodiversity of
Lazovsky Nature Reserve.
On November 19, thirty-three 7th
graders attended a lesson "Predators and
Their Prey. Friends, Enemies, Partners,
etc." The objective of the lesson was to
carry on studying food chains. On
November 22, a special lesson devoted
to ecological problems and disasters
was given to 19 pupils of the 9th grade.
The main goals of the lesson were as
follows: to differentiate ecological
problems and ecological disasters, to
define local and global, to draw
parallels between specific disasters and
ecological problems that triggered those
collapses, to predict possible ecological
disasters in Lazovsky Nature Reserve
taking into account the existing ecological issues. The children turned out very competent
in their role of "experts". They could name the most urgent ecological problems in their
district and describe colorfully the aftermath. Also, the children offered uncommon, and
even radical, ways of their solution. They emphasized that not only local authority and
environmental law enforcement agency but also ordinary people are responsible for
timely solution of the ecological issues. On the same day the educators gave a lesson
"Biodiversity of Lazovsky Nature Reserve" to 19 pupils of 8th grade with the main object
to expand their knowledge about biodiversity.
A lesson for kindergarten children
© Phoenix
On November 26, the children conducted an excursion for their classmates in the
Reserve's Nature Museum and told about rare animals and plants of the Lazovsky Nature
Reserve. On November 30, a binary lesson Ecology Basics was given to ten 7th -graders.
During the lesson the children defined biocenosis, biogeocenosis, biome, biotope,
ecosystem, food web, and ecological pyramid.
In December, the educators organized 15 events for schoolchildren aged 5-7 4 lessons for
kindergarten children and two meetings with adults
On December 6 and 13, twenty-nine children aged 6 attended a lesson "Chains in Forest".
The main objective of the lesson was to explain the young children interaction between
plants and animals. The teacher provided pictures of wild animals and plants so that the
children could listen to her lecture and make chains between forest dwellers. The kids
were asked to explain what could happen if one chain link disappeared. In the end of the
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