Investor Presentaiton
corporate social responsibility >>
Andrey Donskih
Member and Deputy Chairman
of Management Board
>> Social responsibility is a multifaceted
concept, which includes, amongst other aspects,
supporting economic development by extending
loans to regional governments, financing
federal and regional targeted programmes
and providing funding to different economic
sectors and customer segments
Social responsibility undoubtedly also involves servicing retail custom-
ers and providing them with access to an extensive range of modern
financial products and services. We see the implementation of pro-
grammes facilitating socio-economic development in the country as
a cornerstone of the Bank's mission.
2011 was a special year for us. We succeeded in implementing a broad
range of projects important both to the Bank and to the economy at
large. The Bank paid special attention to standardising approaches
and activities across all areas of our operations. We developed a Cor-
porate Business Development Plan and Programme for each region
of the Russian Federation. Today Sberbank offers a standardised and
comprehensible set of corporate banking services across the entire
country. We have more than 3,500 offices providing services to corpo-
rate customers, which is equivalent to around one third of our network
in urban areas.
We launched a remote banking system, which has become very popular
among our corporate customers. In fact, interest in the system was
triple what we had expected.
At present the Bank is working to produce a Nationwide Integrated
Regional Development Plan. We have developed a new software prod-
uct that will serve as a "one-stop-shop" to help track progress in the
implementation of federal targeted programmes in areas such as the
housing and utility sector, agriculture and the development of utility and
road infrastructure. The Bank has signed agreements with a number of
regional governments as part of this drive to promote regional devel-
opment. I would like to highlight our partnership with the Republic of
Udmurtia, which involves a broad scope of projects and programmes
ranging from the development of infrastructure through to financing
individual industrial enterprises and creating industrial clusters. We
also signed an agreement with the Belgorod Region, a long-time part-
ner of Sberbank. We maintain close contacts with the administration
of the North Caucasian Federal District, as well as the governments of 125
all republics in the North Caucasus and Stavropol Territory. Our objec-
tive is to create an integrated programme spanning the entire country.
For this purpose the Bank has created a special division to work with
government projects and programmes.
We launched a remote banking system,
which has become very popular among
our corporate customers. In fact,
interest in the system was triple what
we had expected
Supporting the development of small business is one of the Bank's top
priorities. In 2011, we developed a Small Business Services Concept,
which helped us bring a number of innovative products and offerings
to the market for small businesses. The Concept comprises three main
components, which we at Sberbank call, probably somewhat ambi-
tiously, Evolution, Revolution and Transformation.
As part of the Evolution component, we offer our customers a set of
specialised products, which help small businesses better understand
Sberbank's offerings and identify the product best suited to their cur-
rent needs.
The Revolution component includes two types of banking products
intended to improve the availability of loan financing for micro busi-
nesses, a customer sector that previously went unnoticed by the bank-
ing industry. One of the products, the Loan Factory, provides access
to loans of up to RUB 3 million without guarantors or collateral with
a turnaround time of no more than two days. In 2011, we reached our
corporate social responsibility
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