2021 Stakeholder Sustainability Report slide image

2021 Stakeholder Sustainability Report

A MESSAGE FROM OUR PRESIDENT & CEO 2021 SUSTAINABILITY HIGHLIGHTS ABOUT MOODY'S BETTER BUSINESS BETTER LIVES BETTER SOLUTIONS APPENDIX TRAINING AND UPSKILLING¹ Training hours² Absolute number of training hours Average training hours per employee GRI 404-1 WEF People: training provided (#) Officer³ Non-officer Training expenditure Average training and development expenditure per employee WEF People: training provided ($) Training and development expenditure as a percentage of payroll WEF People: monetized impacts of training TALENT ATTRACTION¹ Number of unfilled skilled positions (rounded)4 WEF People: number of unfilled skilled positions (#) Open positions filled by internal candidates in calendar year Average hiring cost/FTE (USD, rounded) 2019 2020 Moody's 2021 Stakeholder Sustainability Report 2021 251,109 205,419 218,816 24 21 18 28 21 17 21 21 20 1 The data represents approximately 90% of employees (excludes certain non-wholly-owned subsidiaries and newly acquired companies not integrated in Moody's IT systems). In addition, RMS is in the process of integration and will be reported in these metrics next year. 2 Data includes hours captured in the Moody's Knowledge Portal and online training programs, related to topics such as compliance, professional development and diversity, equity and inclusion. In addition, leadership development hours are included in 2020 onwards. 3 Officer-level data is calculated using the job categories: executives, senior managers, mid-level managers and first-level managers. 4 Positions that had been open for 90 days or longer as of December 31st of respective year. $676 Approximately 1% 2020 40 $717 Approximately 1% 2021 320 20% 28% $7,000 $5,500 22 92
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