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Investor Presentaiton

• FIG 2018 ISTANBUL XXVI FIG Congress 2018 6-11 May 2018 ISTANBUL EMBRACING OUR SMART WORLD WHERE THE CONTINENTS CONNECT: ENHANCING THE GEOSPATIAL MATURITY OF SOCIETIES CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS CONCLUSSION 1. GIS technology can be employed as an effective and efficient tool for flood management as seen from this study. 2. The study has proved GIS/RS integrated technologies can be deployed in the pre- and post flood assessment study and development of mitigation measures and sustainable remedial solutions to flooding menace in cross-river state in particular and other vulnerable areas in Nigeria. RECOMMENDATIONS A GIS implementation strategy will help in effective and efficient flood control measure in the state to target areas of high flood risk. Map-based flood risk assessment provides information that leads to disaster reduction. Other flood control measure can be integrated into field enterprise with GIS technology. E.g. financing, Emergency Response measure and Government and legislature ORGANISED BY FIG MAIN SUPPORTERS T.C. ぜ CEVRE VE ŞEHİRCİLİK BAKANLIĞI PLATINUM SPONSORS esri Leica Trimble. Tapu ve Kadastro THE SCIENCE OF WHERE Cal Geosystems
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