Bank of Georgia Financial Analysis slide image

Bank of Georgia Financial Analysis

BANK OF GEORGIA GROUP BALANCE SHEET Bank of Georgia Group Consolidated Banking Business Discontinued Operations Eliminations GEL thousands, unless otherwise noted Dec-18 Dec-17 Change y-o-y Sep-18 Change 9-0-9 Dec-18 Dec-17 Change y-o-y Sep-18 Change 9-0-9 Dec-18 Dec-17 Change y-o-y Sep-18 Change 9-0-9 Dec-18 Dec-17 Sep-18 Cash and cash equivalents Amounts due from credit institutions Investment securities Loans to customers and finance lease receivables Accounts receivable and other loans Insurance premiums receivable Prepayments Inventories. Investment property Property and equipment Goodwill Intangible assets Income tax assets 1,215,799 1,582,435 -23.2% 1,237,867 -1.8% 1,305,216 1,225,947 6.5% 1,398,061 -6.6% 2,019,017 1,564,869 29.0% 2,060,880 -2.0% 9,397,747 7,690,450 22.2% 8,762,413 2,849 38,944 -92.7% 30,573 NMF 44,294 149,558 -70.4% 13,292 100,194 -86.7% 151,446 353,565 -57.2% 344,059 988,436 -65.2% 33,351 7.3% 1,215,799 1,516,401 -19.8% 1,237,867 -1.8% 1,305,216 1,216,349 7.3% 1,398,061 -6.6% 2,019,017 1,613,759 25.1% 2,060,880 -2.0% 9,397,747 7,741,420 374,301 NMF 38,141 NMF 33,059 NMF 3,256 -12.5% 2,849 3,572 21.4% 8,762,413 -20.2% 3,256 7.3% -12.5% 35,446 NMF 30,854 NMF (308,267) (28,543) (81,949) (50,970) (74) (281) 48,444 18,598 -8.6% -28.5% 216,715 -30.1% 315,980 8.9% 83,366 19,451 Other assets 126,008 55,276 -39.7% 60,980 2,293 188,732 Assets held for sale 42,408 33,351 36.7% 85,247 -2.2% 748.3% 28,237 -31.1% -33.2% 105,883 19.0% NMF NMF 0.0% 44,294 61,501 -28.0% 13,292 20,086 -33.8% 151,446 202,533 -25.2% 344,059 322,925 6.5% 33,351 33,351 0.0% 83,366 55,525 50.1% 19,451 919 NMF 126,008 119,337 5.6% 42,408 NMF 48,444 18,598 -28.5% 216,715 -30.1% -8.6% 88,057 NMF 80,108 NMF 155,367 NMF (4,335) 315,980 33,351 85,247 28,237 -31.1% 105,883 19.0% 8.9% 661,176 NMF 4,335 0.0% 21,925 NMF -2.2% 5,455 NMF 1,374 NMF 73,468 NMF (4,073) NMF Assets of disposal group held for sale 1,136,417 NMF 1,165,182 NMF (28,765) Total assets 14,798,303 15,168,669 Client deposits and notes Amounts due to credit institutions Debt securities issued -2.4% 14,314,932 8,133,853 6,712,482 21.2% 7,932,536 2,994,879 3,155,839 -5.1% 3,006,739 1,730,414 1,709,152 3.4% 2.5% Accruals and deferred income 47,063 132,669 1.2% 1,578,532 -64.5% 35,977 -0.4% 9.6% 30.8% 14,798,303 12,907,678 8,133,853 7,078,058 2,994,879 2,778,338 1,730,414 1,386,412 47,063 42,207 14.6% 14,314,932 14.9% 7,932,536 7.8% 3,006,739 24.8% 1,578,532 11.5% 3.4% 2.5% -0.4% 2,763,913 NMF (502,922) (365,576) 377,501 NMF 9.6% 35,977 30.8% 357,442 NMF (34,702) 90,462 NMF Insurance contracts liabilities 46,402 Income tax liabilities Other liabilities 28,855 64,966 20,959 Liabilities of disposal group held for sale 142,133 516,663 Total liabilities Share capital Additional paid-in capital Treasury shares Other reserves Retained earnings 1,618 480,555 (51) 30,515 1,277,732 13,000,030 12,436,299 1,151 106,086 Reserves of disposal group held for sale (66) 122,082 2,180,415 10,934 NMF 37.7% -54.3% NMF 4.5% 12,644,984 40.6% 1,618 NMF 464,960 -22.7% (44) -75.0% 34,283 -41.4% 1,161,983 46,402 NMF 38,705 -25.4% 52,495 23.8% 28,855 64,966 20,100 43.6% 49,861 30.3% 38,705 -25.4% 52,495 23.8% 859 NMF 92,553 NMF 619,026 NMF 2.8% 0.0% 3.4% 15.9% -11.0% 10.0% 13,000,030 11,354,976 1,618 1,151 480,555 (51) (66) 30,515 (74,046) 1,277,732 1,618,775 14.5% 12,644,984 40.6% NMF -22.7% NMF -21.1% 2.8% 1,584,245 NMF (281) (102,363) (502,922) 1,618 464,960 0.0% 3.4% 106,086 NMF (44) 15.9% 34,283 1,161,983 10.0% -11.0% 196,128 NMF 561,640 NMF NMF 10,934 NMF of the Group Total equity Total liabilities and equity Book value per share Total equity attributable to shareholders Non-controlling interests 1,790,369 2,420,602 -26.0% 1,662,800 7.7% 1,790,369 1,545,814 15.8% 1,662,800 7.7% 874,788 NMF 7,904 311,768 1,798,273 2,732,370 14,798,303 15,168,669 37.59 65.22 -97.5% 7,148 -34.2% 1,669,948 -2.4% 14,314,932 -42.4% 10.6% 7.7% 7,904 1,798,273 3.4% 6,888 1,552,702 14,798,303 12,907,678 14.8% 7,148 15.8% 1,669,948 10.6% 304,880 7.7% 1,179,668 14.6% 14,314,932 3.4% 2,763,913 NMF NMF NMF (502,922) 34.89 7.7% BANK OF GEORGIA 60
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