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Fountain Head Exploration

Fountain Head & Glencoe Gold Deposits Table 1: Fountain Head and Tally Ho Mineral Resources by JORC Classification as at 16 June 2020, reported utilising a cut-off grade of >0.7 g/t Au which is consistent with the assumed open cut mining method. See ASX Release 16 June 2020 for JORC tables JORC Classification Indicated Inferred Tonnage (Mt) Tally Ho 0.94 Au (g/t) 2.0 Ounces (Koz) 59 Total 0.94 2.0 59 Fountain Head Indicated 0.89 1.4 41 Inferred 1.11 1.6 56 Total 2.00 1.5 96 Total Fountain Head + Tally Ho* Indicated Inferred 1.83 1.7 Total 1.11 2.94 1.6 1.7 100 56 156 Table 2: Glencoe Mineral Resources by oxidation zone as at 26 April 2021 estimated using a cut-off grade of 0.7g/t Au which is consistent with the assumed open-cut mining method. The cut-off grade is also consistent with the Mineral Resource Estimate for Fountain Head JORC Classification Inferred Oxidation Oxide Transitional Tonnage (Mt) Au (g/t) Ounces (Koz) 0.5 1.3 20 0.3 1.2 11 Fresh 1.3 1.1 48 Total* 2.1 1.2 79 PNZ METALS 31
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