United Nations Strategic Framework for Afghanistan
coordinated and collective monitoring of progress towards the UN Strategic Framework's objectives.
This includes strategies for innovative disaggregated data collection, joint field-level monitoring visits,
and annual reviews.
The fragile and fluid nature of Afghanistan's country context poses significant multidimensional risks
to the achievement of UN Strategic Framework results. The UN will continue to monitor these risks
and their potential implications for UN programming, including through the CCA review process, the
MEL, and joint analysis with ACG partners. The UN will integrate risk analysis and contingency planning
into programme planning and implementation to mitigate the potential impact on delivery. Delivery
will also be guided by the UN's security risk management approach to programming, including through
periodic Programme Criticality processes, to ensure the UN stays and delivers in a risk-informed and
safe manner.
6.3 Annual Performance Review and Country Results Reporting
On behalf of the UNCT, the Results Groups and M&E Working Group will undertake an annual review
of UN Strategic Framework implementation against joint workplans and the UN Strategic Framework
results framework which will inform the production of an annual UNCT Results Report and any
additional ad hoc reporting as required. All resident and non-resident UN entities implementing in
Afghanistan will contribute to the Results Report. The Results Report will highlight the impact of the
UN's collective interventions, as well as achievements, risks and challenges, opportunities, lessons
learned, best practices, and key focus areas for the subsequent year of implementation. UN entities
will endeavour to align their annual reporting cycles to that of the UN Strategic Framework so agency-
specific reports can be utilized in the compilation of the Results Report.
In the absence of a Joint Steering Committee, the UN will share the Results Report with the ACG as its
collective and consolidated contribution to the overall ACG Framework annual monitoring and
reporting process. Based on an assessment of the findings captured within the Results Report and
other ACG entity reporting processes as well as the updated analysis through the CCA the ACG
will determine whether amendments are required to the theories of change, priorities, and outcomes
of the ACG Framework which will also be reflected into the UN Strategic Framework.
The Results Report will also be disseminated to other relevant national and international partners and
stakeholders and made publicly available on the UN Afghanistan website and through the UN's various
social media platforms.
6.4 Evaluation Plan
A final evaluation of the UN Strategic Framework will be conducted by an independent consultant(s)
in the penultimate year of the programme cycle. The terms of reference for the final evaluation will
ensure the independence and impartiality of the evaluation team and stipulate the requirements for
an inclusive and participatory approach involving all stakeholders. The evaluation will adhere to UN
Evaluation Group norms and standards, follow OECD-DAC evaluation criteria, and utilize a gender
equality and human rights-based approach. The M&E Working Group will review the outcome of the
evaluation to ensure that it meets the necessary requirements and standards.View entire presentation