Investor Presentaiton
West Arnhem
Nabarlek Project
Junee Project
Bogong Project
West Arnhem Nabarlek Project
Located in the Alligator Rivers Uranium Province NT, host to large scale
uranium deposits: Ranger Mine +200Mlbs U3O8; Jabiluka +300Mlbs U308
New drilling program confirms uranium mineralisation beneath
historical Nabarlek Mine - Australia's highest-grade uranium mine:
24Mlbs @ 1.8% U3O8 (mined out) and at U40 Prospect
Limited pool of ASX-listed uranium explorers
Q4 2019: review of historical EM data to refine targets for further drilling
Bogong Project
Fresh opportunity - no exploration for +45 years
Potential for substantial copper-gold discovery enhanced by recent
fieldwork and supported by historical drilling
Porphyry-hosted copper-gold targets identified with copper-sulphides
(chalcopyrite and bornite) at surface. Rock chip results up to:
10% Cu and 0.47g/t Au
Significant shallow historical drilling intercepts:
54.9m @ 1.1% Cu from 6.1m;
9.2m @2.0% Cu from 39.6m
Open-ended copper-gold system over >500m of strike.
September 2019: Ground IP geophysics to assist with drill targeting
Junee Project
Recently recognised as part of Macquarie Arc - host to massive porphyry
copper-gold deposits such as Northparkes / Cadia-Ridgeway
No drilling for +20 years = underexplored in a world-class region
New fieldwork provides further evidence of a major, widespread porphyry
copper-gold system
Collective results confirm the NSW Geological Survey's review that rocks
within the Project are prospective for large-scale porphyry systems
Q4 2019: Induced Polarisation (IP) geophysics to prioritise drill targets 4View entire presentation