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Investor Presentaiton

INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIP NETWORK IIB BUSINESS PARTNERS International Financial Organizations (The World Bank Group, EBRD, EIB, NDB, IBEC and others) ■ Regional development banks (BSTDB, CAF, CABEI, NIB, EDB and others) National development banks ■ National Chambers of Trade and Industry Export credit agencies State and private financial institutions. Platforms and associations of financial institutions (IDFC, ADFIAP, BACEE, D20) Commercial banks IIB NON-COMMERCIAL ORGANISATIONS PARTNERS IIB takes a strong stance on supporting initiatives aimed at environmental protection and sustainable development. The Bank not only extends financial support to such projects (loans and grants), but also actively cooperates with non-profit international organizations to develop new policies and promote responsible development financing. These esteemed organisations include: ■ ■ United Nations (IIB is a member of UN Global Compact) UNEP FI WWF WWF Wetlands International ICC Green Finance Working Group Wetlands INTERNATIONAL UN GLOBAL Central CABEI American Bank for Economic Integration ADFIAP Sineating sustainable element New Development Bank BACEE BANKING ASSOCIATION FOR CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE ADB AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK GROUP CAF DEVELOPMENT BANK European Bank OF LATIN AMERICA for Reconstruction and Development IIB OBSERVERS European Investment Bank IDB THE WORLD BANK IBRD IDA WORLD BANK GROUP Republic of Belarus - sovereign observer INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT BANK IBEC INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION Black Sea Trade & Development Bank NIB NORDIC INVESTMENT BANK IDFC BULGARIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK COMPACT RUSSIAN EXPORT CENTER ВЭБ Eurasian Development Bank бVTB 17 International Investment Bank, 2018
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