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Investor Presentaiton

OUR VALUE CREATION | Manufactured capital Reducing energy consumption 100% LED lights; ■ Insulating glass facade; ■ Ventilated chamber between facade insulation and cladding; ■ Solar panels; ■ Air-conditioning chiller heat exchanger used to heat bath water; HVAC air conditioning system; CO₂ Initiatives to mitigate Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Relocate energy consumption from the Captive Market to the Wholesale Energy Market, prioritizing renewable sources; Installation of generator catalysts. ▼ High-efficiency chillers. Light-colored coating to reflect sun light, with the subsequent reduction of thermal charge on these surfaces. Divide the lighting of the same room into sectors, by using light switches to allow partial use and take advantage of natural light, as well as installing motion sensors in places that do not demand constant light, such as garages, circulation areas, elevator hallways and stairs. Reducing Water consumption ■ Implementation of water harvesting and reuse tanks for the cleaning of parking lots, waste rooms and catering carts; Flow restriction devices in bathroom faucets and showerheads and installation of automatic taps. Increased safety at the units ■ Special fire protection rules and own methodology to fight and mitigate risks; Audits and corrective and prevention measures applied whenever necessary. Joining the Race to Zero Campaign Our commitment to the Race to Zero campaign: decarbonize our facilities; cut emissions intensity by 36% until 2030; zero our net emissions by 2050. In 2021, Rede D' Or São Luiz joined the international campaign Race to Zero and committed to decarbonize its facilities, cut emissions intensity by 2030 and zero its net emissions by 2050. Rede D'Or São Luiz is one of the nine Brazilian health care institutions to join the campaign participants group, which comprises more than 3,000 hospitals and health care systems in 18 countries. Race to Zero is supported by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and gathers leaders and players from several sectors committed to achieve the Paris Agreement's goals. Aligned with its engagement in the topic, Rede D'Or São Luiz also attended the 14th Healthy Hospitals Seminar (SHS in Portuguese) in 2021, with the theme "Race to zero: health care sector's plea to fight the climate emergency". The seminar was organized in a partnership between the Sanitary Surveillance Center, a segment of the State of São Paulo's Health Department, and the international organization Health Care Without Harm. It is important to emphasize that Rede D'Or São Luiz began a greenhouse gas inventory project in 2016, as a pilot project in the Anália Franco unit. In the 2021 cycle, whose reference year was 2020, 48 hospitals were taking stock of their emissions. The Company currently has 78 business units, comprising 61 hospitals, 10 Richet labs and seven oncology clinics taking stock of their emissions, all of which are submitted to external check. Learn more about our initiatives to pursue a better future on page 181, Natural Capital. 89 REDE D'OR SÃO LUIZ | Annual Sustainability Report 2021 90
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