Melrose Results Presentation Deck slide image

Melrose Results Presentation Deck

Highlights Melrose Continuing operations Revenue Operating profit/(loss) Profit/(loss) after tax Diluted earnings per share Free cash flow ² Net debt² Leverage ² Group ■ I ■ Proforma¹ (post Return of Capital) 2021 £m 3,828 223 109 2.5p 75 1,029 1.5x Buy Improve Sell Adjusted² results 2021 £m 3,828 223 109 2.2p 75 300 0.5x 2020 £m 3,624 (11) (80) (1.7)p 29 3,399 3.4x Statutory results 2021 £m 3,540 (137) (151) (3.1)p n/a n/a n/a 2020 £m 3,386 (618) (585) (12.1)p n/a n/a n/a Melrose is trading ahead of expectations, with better profit margins, better earnings per share and significantly lower net debt²; building the Group's encouraging momentum The commitment, made on acquisition by Melrose, to improve significantly the funding of the GKN UK defined benefit pension schemes has been delivered ahead of schedule with the funding position of the schemes transformed for the better. The funding deficit of approximately £1 billion has currently reduced to approximately £150 million. Consequently the annual contribution halves to £30 million with no ongoing requirement to contribute from future disposal proceeds Net debt² at 30 June 2021 was significantly lower at £300 million; proforma net debt² at 30 June 2021 is £1,029 million after adjusting for the announced Return of Capital to be settled on 14 September 2021 (1.5x proforma leverage²) Free cash flow² generation in the first half was £75 million; all the investment in restructuring costs, capital expenditure and sustainable technology has been self-funded from trading cash flows in the Period The Group recorded an adjusted2 earnings per share of 2.2 pence. Adjusting for the accretion post the announced Return of Capital and share consolidation, the Proforma EPS2 increases to 2.5 pence. The statutory loss per share was 3.1 pence The Nortek Air Management and Brush disposals both completed in the Period and Melrose has exchanged contracts for the sale of Nortek Control for $285 million, all of which are consistent with doubling shareholders' money, or more, on each acquisition 1. Proforma results are presented to give a meaningful measure of ongoing performance, adjusting for the announced Return of Capital and the associated share consolidation 2. Described in the glossary to the 2021 Interim Financial Statements, released on 2 September 2021
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