Instacart IPO Presentation Deck slide image

Instacart IPO Presentation Deck

Active Customer Behavior Customer Cohorts 2017-2022 Average Monthly Orders per Monthly Active Orderer 2.1x 2.7x Year 1 3.0x Year 2 3.4x 3.7x 3.9x Average Monthly GTV per Monthly Active Orderer $226 $301 $349 $404 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 1 Year 2 Note: For purposes of these charts, a monthly active orderer is a customer who places at least one order on Instacart for a particular month in the year of activation for that customer. Each monthly active orderer belongs in the monthly and annual cohort in which they made their initial order. To mitigate user duplication and improve data accuracy, user accounts are combined (deduped) based on identifying factors (i.e. phone number). Year 3 $445 Year 4 $480 Year 5 Year 6
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