Tietoevry Results Presentation Deck
CFO highlights
Q2'22 financials - continued strong growth
Organic growth 5% - driven by Tietoevry Create and
Tietoevry Banking
Adjusted operating margin EUR 78.7 million / 10.7% -
below Q2'21, impacted by high attrition, salary inflation,
and returning post-pandemic costs
Reported operating profit at EUR 39.7 (139.7) million, 5.4%
(19.4%) - prior year included capital gain of EUR 71.4
Operative cash flow of EUR 8 (11) million
Net debt / EBITDA 1.6x (1.6)
Order backlog up by 4% year-on-year
Q2'22 other
• CAPEX of EUR 23.9 million (18.5), representing 3.2% of
revenue (2.6)
One-time items (OTI) EUR 27.1 million, impacted by
performance acceleration programs, exit from Russia and
war in Ukraine
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