Pinterest Results Presentation Deck slide image

Pinterest Results Presentation Deck

(5%) 433 223 117 92 Q222 US & Canada Monthly active users (in millions) 0% 445 230 120 95 Q322 Europe 4% 450 231 124 95 Q422 Rest of World 7% © 2023 Pinterest. All rights reserved. 463 240 128 95 Q123 8% 465 246 124 95 Q223 Y/Y growth rate Note: We define a monthly active user as an authenticated Pinterest user who visits our website, opens our mobile application or interacts with Pinterest through one of our browser or site extensions, such as the Save button, at least once during the 30-day period ending on the date of measurement. We present MAUs based on the number of MAUS measured on the last day of the current period. Geographic breakdown may not sum to Global due to rounding. +8% Global Y/Y +3% US & Canada Y/Y +6% Europe Y/Y +10% Rest of World Y/Y 8
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