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Investor Presentaiton

3 Details by Segment - Precision Machinery & Robot · - (Billion Yen) FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 Actual FCST in Feb. Actual Chg. vs FY19 Orders Received 218.8 230.0 259.4 + 40.5 Hydraulic 145.9 155.0 172.6 + + 26.7 + Chg. vs FCST 29.4 Forecast Chg. vs FY20 260.0 + 0.6 17.6 165.0 7.6 Components & Systems Robotics 72.9 75.0 86.7 + 13.8 + 11.7 95.0 + 8.3 Net Sales 217.3 230.0 240.8 + 23.4 + 10.8 250.0 + 9.2 Hydraulic 147.8 155.0 165.5 + 17.7 + 10.5 160.0 5.5 Components & Systems Robotics 69.5 75.0 75.2 + 5.7 + 0.2 90.0 + 14.8 Operating Income 12.2 11.5 14.0 + 1.8 + 2.5 16.0 + 2.0 [Margin] [5.6%] [5.0%] [5.8%] [+ 0.2pt] [+ 0.8pt] [6.4%] [+ 0.5pt] Details of change in Operating Income(Loss) Appendix (billion yen) Change in product mix and other factors Impact of COVID-19 -3.6 4.7 0.4 1.2 0.9 Change in Sales Effects of foreign exchange rates 12.2 Change in selling, general and administrative expenses 63.8 60.3 14.0 44.4 Sales of hydraulic components to China (billion yen) Sales of robots by segment* (billion yen) FY'21 FY'19 FY'20 Flat or FCST 88.1 Slightly Down Automobile assembly and painting 350 368 350 Semiconductor 190 238 250 manufacturing equipment general robots for 219 212 310 industrial use and others Total 760 819 910 FY2019 FY2020 FY'17 FY'18 FY'19 FY'20 FY'21 *Figures are before consolidation © Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. All Rights Reserved Kawasaki Powering your potential 24
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