Investor Update 9M2022
This is a presentation of general information relating to
the current activities of AEM Holdings Ltd. ("AEM"). It is
given in summary form and does not purport to be
This presentation may contain forward-looking statements.
which are subject to risks and uncertainties. Actual future
performance, outcomes and results may differ materially
from those expressed in these forward-looking statements
as a result of a number of risks, uncertainties and
assumptions. Representative examples of these factors
include (without limitation) general industry and economic
conditions, interest rate trends, cost of capital and capital
availability, competition from other companies, shifts in
customer demands, customers and partners, changes in
operating expenses, governmental and public policy.
changes, and the continued availability of financing.
Accordingly, such statements are not and should not be
construed as a representation as to the future of AEM, and
are not intended to be profit forecasts, estimations or
projections of future performance and should not be
regarded as such.
No reliance should therefore be placed on these forward-
looking statements, which are based on the current views
of the management of AEM. The presentation is also not
to be relied upon as advice to investors or potential
investors and does not take into account the investment
objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular
investor. AEM accepts no responsibility whatsoever with
respect to the use of this document or any part thereof.
In this presentation, all $ dollar amounts are in
Singapore dollars unless otherwise specified.
AEM | Investor Update 9M2022
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