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2022 Full Year Results

Return on Equity and Permanent Shareholders' Equity Calculation of Return on Equity in millions of euros Net income Group share Remuneration net of tax of Undated Super Subordinated Notes and exchange effect Net income Group share used for the calculation of ROE/ROTE Average permanent shareholders' equity, not revaluated, used for the ROE calculation (a) Return on Equity (ROE) Average tangible permanent shareholders' equity, not revaluated, used for the ROTE calculation (b) Return on Tangible Equity (ROTE) 31-Dec-22 31-Dec-21 10,196 9,488 -575 -436 9,621 9,052 105,707 101,882 9.1% 8.9% 93,937 90,412 10.2% 10.0% (a) Average Permanent shareholders' equity: average of beginning of the year and end of the period (Permanent Shareholders' equity = Shareholders' equity attributable to shareholders - changes in assets and liabilities recognised directly in equity - Undated Super Subordinated Notes - remuneration net of tax payable to holders of Undated Super Subordinated Notes - dividend distribution assumption); (b) Average Tangible permanent shareholders' equity: average of beginning of the year and end of the period (Tangible permanent shareholders' equity = permanent shareholders' equity - intangible assets - goodwill) Permanent Shareholders' Equity Group share, not revaluated, used for the calculation of ROE / ROTE in millions of euros 31-Dec-22 31-Dec-21 Net Book Value 109,809 108,573 (1) of which changes in assets and liabilities recognised directly in equity (valuation reserve) -3,553 222 (2) of which 2021 dividend distribution project of which assumption of distribution of 2022 net income Permanent shareholders' equity, not revaluated, used for the calculation of ROE (a) Goodwill and intangibles 4,527 (3) 5,773 (4) 107,589 103,824 (1)-(2)-(3)-(4) 11,991 11,549 Tangible permanent shareholders' equity, not revaluated, used for the calculation of ROTE (a) Average permanent shareholders' equity, not revaluated, used for the ROE calculation (b) Average tangible permanent shareholders' equity, not revaluated, used for the ROTE calculation (c) 95,598 92,275 105,707 101,882 93,937 90,412 (a) Excluding Undated Super Subordinated Notes, remuneration net of tax payable to holders of Undated Super Subordinated Notes, and including the assumptions of distribution of net income; (b) Average Permanent shareholders' equity: average of beginning of the year and end of the period (Permanent Shareholders' equity Shareholders' equity attributable to shareholders - changes in assets and liabilities recognised directly in equity - Undated Super Subordinated Notes - remuneration net of tax payable to holders of Undated Super Subordinated Notes - dividend distribution assumption); (c) Average Tangible permanent shareholders' equity: average of beginning of the year and end of the period (Tangible permanent shareholders' equity = permanent shareholders' equity - intangible assets - goodwill) BNP PARIBAS The bank for a changing world 2022 Full Year Results | 93
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