Momentum Across Key Metrics
Key Performance Indicators
Key Performance Indicator Definition
Subscription Shipments
Average Monthly
Subscription Shipment
New Subscriptions
Customer Acquisition Cost
BARK defines Subscription Shipments as the total number of subscription product shipments
shipped in a given period. Subscription Shipments does not include gift subscriptions or one-time
subscription shipments.
Average Monthly Subscription Shipment Churn is calculated as the average number of subscription
shipments that have been cancelled in the last three months, divided by the average monthly active
subscription shipments in the last three months. The number of cancellations used to calculate
Average Monthly Subscription Shipment Churn is net of the number of subscriptions reactivated
during the last three months.
BARK defines New Subscriptions as the number of unique subscriptions with their first shipment
occurring in a period.
Customer Acquisition Cost ("CAC") is a measure of the cost to acquire New Subscriptions in its Direct
to Consumer business segment. CAC is a monthly measure defined as media spend in BARK's Direct
to Consumer business segment in the period indicated, divided by total New Subscriptions in such
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