Trading Results & Economic Outlook slide image

Trading Results & Economic Outlook

Customer Assistance Programs (As of October 31, 2020) Retail Product Types¹ Canada Mortgages Number of customer accounts¹ Amount outstanding¹ % Current following Deferral Expiry 1,2 #('000s) % ($B) % Credit Cards Personal Loans³ Total/Average 6363 16 45.7% $4.26 87.1% 98.0% 8.6% $0.02 0.4% 85.3% 16 45.7% $0.61 12.5% 92.8% 35 100% $4.89 100.0% 97.2% Change from September 30, 2020 -$11.5 Change from July 31, 2020 -$36.6 International Mortgages 36 7.3% $3.70 61.6% 90.5% Credit Cards 299 61.4% $0.96 16.0% 81.6% Personal Loans³ 152 31.2% $1.34 22.4% 87.0% Total/Average 486 100.0% $6.00 100.0% 87.8% Change from September 30, 2020 -$2.5 Change from July 31, 2020 -$12.1 Canada International Total Commercial & Small Business ($B) 1 As at October 31st 2020 Deferral Balance ($B)5 Significant Decrease in Deferral Exposure Active Deferral Customers Active Total Exposures4 ($B) 74.3 69.6 -96% #('000s) 10.6 10.0 0.7 0.2 0.7 4.6 63.7 59.6 1.4 4.8 Q2/20 2 Canadian payments % includes accounts that have not yet completed first billing cycle since expiring 393% of active deferred Personal Loans in Canada are Auto Loans, 16% of active deferred Personal Loans in International are Auto Loans 4 Figures relate to active deferral exposures and exclude amounts related to covenant relief requests 5 Prior period amounts have been restated to conform to current period presentation 6 Of the $3.0 billion of deferral balance expected as at Q1/21, $1.1 billion relates to retail loans and $1.9 billion relates to commercial loans Q3/20 Retail 15.7 4.8 10.9 Q4/20 Commercial & Small Business 3.06 Q1/21E 18
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