ChildFund Brasil Sustainability Report slide image

ChildFund Brasil Sustainability Report

PRESENTATION MESSAGE FROM MANAGEMENT WHO CORPORATE WE ARE GOVERNANCE MARKETING AND MOBILIZATION OF RESOURCES CHILDREN'S RIGHTS Advocacy and child protection SOCIAL PROGRAMS HUMANITARIAN EMERGENCIES FINANCIAL STATEMENTS GRI SUMMARY ChildFund Brasil has long been preparing to be a paperless organization with automated systems that allow office work to be done from anywhere in the world. So in the pandemic, we did not face any major challenges in sending the team to the safety of their homes. Now, we continue aligned with the future, working in the hybrid format, with the same excellence and autonomy that we have always cherished. Gisele Araújo, Marketing and Resource Mobilization Manager Covid-19 prevention measures Having a high vaccination adherence gave us peace of mind to plan to return in 2021. Added to this, a series of pre- vention measures against the virus has been reinforced. The use of masks, dis- tance between desks, and the wide dis- tribution of hand sanitizer in the work environment were just some of the ac- tions taken by Child Fund Brasil to adopt the hybrid model. The alignment among the teams to guarantee on-site hand-off and re- spect the manning limits of the offices has also been fundamental for the safe return. An e-book of care to prevent Covid-19 was developed and distribut- ed to employees, with content ranging from simple information on prevention, such as leaving the door open during working hours and avoiding the han- dling of the doorknob, to tips for safe commuting, preventing the risk of con- tamination with the virus. During cor- porate travel, Child Fund Brasil also paid for kits containing masks, hand sani- tizer and other PPE to ensure people's health and safety. Education as a path to internal engagement We provide a work environment that inspires the pursuit of continuing edu- cation at all levels, and learning is one of the strategic axes for building this culture. We are a learning organization, which means we prioritize continuous study, associated with internal aspects that can be improved. Two strategies are used on this path: Partnerships with educational institutions We nurture partnerships with edu- cational institutions, which choose Child Fund Brasil as an object of analy- sis, research or laboratory, to favor our learning organization culture. Through them, we encourage professionals to complete post-graduate, master's and doctorate programs with an organiza- tional purpose, focused on the strategic topics of ChildFund Brasil. In recent years, the topic of all master's dissertations defended by our employ- ees was the practices and experiences of Child Fund Brasil. "Our work is fo- cused on process improvement, on our relationship with people, profile studies of our Local Partners, or the leadership of our social organizations. This helps in the development of the organization, as it enables us to have processes that are aligned with Academia's perspective, and also with Child Fund's market and culture", highlights Joyce Mara, Senior Manager of HR and Culture at Child- Fund Brasil, Bolivia and Equador. . • "Learning by doing" methodology and MAGIC For ChildFund Brasil, the practice is an active form of learning. We believe that each person is the protagonist of their own education and absorbs knowledge through the application of this learning. This is how we are constantly innovat- ing and seeking improvements, with the help of our team that is always on the lookout to improve processes and practices. 20 20 ChŘldFund. . Brasil Sustainability Report 21 24
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