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Investor Presentaiton

LYRB UIA TELECOMMUNICATIONS REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 2019 SECTION XI: ONGOING NETWORK EXPANSION EXPANSION WITHIN MEMBER CITIES With the utilization of funds from the UIA-Layton bonds, Layton City is now about 70% built-out and will be substantially complete by the end of the year. Additionally, Payson City completed a bond transaction in early Summer 2019 to finance the costs of its remaining infrastructure. EXPANSION BEYOND MEMBER CITIES Interest level by other cities continues to grow О Morgan City and West Point City completed bond transactions in Spring 2019 and Summer 2019, respectively to finance the costs of fiber infrastructure in their cities. О These transactions are self-supporting and governed by separate service agreements and bond documents. A member of the Executive Team meets with a different City almost every week at the invitation of the City. Financial model discussed is one of two options: О The City provides cash for UTOPIA/UIA to build the fiber network; or The City enters into a Service Agreement similar to the Morgan or West Point Service Agreement and UIA will finance the fiber build-out in that City. As other cities come online UTOPIA/UIA will not slow down the buildout in its member cities. UIA has a contract in place with Idaho Falls, Idaho to build and manage their FTTH network. PAGE 40 WE PROVIDE SOLUTIONS
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