Nova Realidade Covid-19 após 1 ano
| Innovation
There are many startups in Brazil supporting schools and universities. According
to a survey carried out by the Brazilian Education Innovation Center - CIEB
together with the Brazilian Association of Startups - ABstartups, in 2020 in
Brazil there were 566 edtechs (education startups) active in Brazil, with 50.7%
of them offering solutions for the basic education (kindergarten, elementary and
high school). Among the services offered by these startups, those that offer
online content platforms (with courses, games, audios, interactive content),
tools to support academic, administrative and financial management of schools
and educational games stand out.
| Public sector and barriers to innovation
Despite the favorable national market for educational technologies, with a
series of resources to support pedagogical practices and administrative
processes of educational institutions, the study carried out by CIEB and
ABstartup also identified that only 13% of edtechs are able to work in public
Barriers for the public-private partnership range from lack of familiarity of
managers with new technologies to low teacher training for digitization
in education, through the low structure to receive technologies, such as lack of
connectivity and bureaucracies in the public procurement process.
| Security in the online world
Brazilian educational institutions need to invest more in
data protection, cyberbullying and forgery, as the online
environment can facilitate the occurrence of plagiarism
and crimes related to authorial production.
| M&A
The education sector in Brazil is one of the largest
that in recent years had completed M&A processes.
According to surveys carried out by KPMG, 43% of
executives in the education sector intend to buy other
institutions in the next 12 months. To finance such
expansion operations, the intention is to use equity
associated with bank credit as the main source of funds,
in addition to funds coming from more recent IPOs.
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