Income Statement and Eurosystem Funding Review slide image

Income Statement and Eurosystem Funding Review

Risk Weighted Assets by Geography - Regulatory Capital Risk weighted assets by Geography (€ mn) Equity and Regulatory Capital (€ mn) 31.03.14 30.06.14 30.09.14 31.12.14 31.03.15 30.6.14 30.9.14 31.12.14 31.03.15 Cyprus 20.124 19.807 20.296 20.452 20.473 Shareholders' equity 2.748 3.728 3.465 3.502 Russia 1.318 1.276 1.203 706 813 CET1 capital² 2.547 3.512 3.191 3.201 United Kingdom 976 616 633 986 1.162 Romania 369 358 316 308 294 Tier I capital 2.547 3.512 3.191 3.201 Greece 240 381 367 217 181 Tier II capital 3 39 42 30 Other1 223 47 48 46 49 Total regulatory capital (Tier I + Tier II) 2.550 3.551 3.233 3.231 Total 23.249 22.485 22.863 22.715 22.972 Risk weighted assets by type of risk (€ mn) 31.03.14 30.06.14 30.09.14 31.12.14 31.03.15 Credit risk 21.418 20.457 20.834 20.625 20.881 Market risk 54. 5 5 5 6 Operational risk 2.058 2.023 2.023 2.085 2.085 Total 23.530 22.485 22.863 22.715 22.972 1Other countries include Ukraine, Channel Islands and Netherlands 2Includes unaudited profits amounting to €15 mn for the quarter Bank of Cyprus 41 KOINO WKYNРIW 2235
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