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Investor Presentaiton

Bank Indonesia's Comprehensive Financial Deepening Program Strengthening the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy Operations and Transmission, integrated with the modern and efficient money market to support the financing of the economy STRENGTHENING INTEGRATED MONETARY OPERATION STRATEGY OPTIMIZATION OF FOREIGN EXCHANGE RESERVE ASSET MANAGEMENT MONEY MARKET AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE MARKET SINERGY & COORDINATION DEEPENING Money Market Deepening Policy "Pro-Growth" Integrated, Modern, Efficient 3 BPPU MAIN INITIATIVES TARGET 2025 PARTICIPANT PRODUCT PRICING INFRASTRUCTURE 1 INTEGRATION OF MODERN AND EFFICIENT MONEY MARKET WITH MONETARY MANAGEMENT TO IMPROVE MONETARY OPERATION TRANSMISSION AND ECONOMIC FINANCING Consolidation of monetary operation participants and market participants having classification primary dealer (PD) into systemic, critical, and general in line with SIFIs, cross-border and future "wholesalers" Accelerating the development of strategic money market Instrument for effective monetary policy instrument, rupiah stability, hedging and short term financing Developing efficient market mechanism to support interest rate structure formation (IndONIA and Repo), exchange rate (DNDF), and hedging (interest rate swap and exchange rate) Infrastructure of monetary operation, money market and payment system which are 31 (integrated, interoperable. Interconnected) as pre-requisite for CBDC 2 COORDINATION FORUM FOR DEVELOPMENT FINANCING THROUGH FINANCIAL MARKETS IFK-PPPK 1. Stabilization of Financial Market 2. Development of Economic Financing Instruments 3. Financial Literacy and Consumer Protection B CIK LPS Bak Source: Bank Indonesia 117
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