Investor Presentaiton
The material contained in this document is a presentation of information about the Group's activities current as of 10 November 2022.
It is provided in summary form and does not purport to be complete. It should be read in conjunction with the Group's periodic reporting
and other announcements lodged with the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX).
This document may contain forward-looking statements, including statements of current intention, opinion and predictions regarding
the Company's present and future operations, possible future events and future financial prospects. While these statements reflect
expectations at the date of this document, they are, by their nature, not certain and are susceptible to change. CSR makes no
representation, assurance or guarantee as to the accuracy of or likelihood of fulfilling any such forward-looking statements (whether
express or implied) and, except as required by applicable law or the ASX Listing Rules, disclaims any obligation or undertaking to
publicly update such forward-looking statements.
This document is not intended to be relied upon as advice to investors or potential investors and does not take into account
the investment objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular investor.
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