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Investor Presentaiton

TEKNO SA TEKNOSA İÇ VE DIŞ TİCARET A.Ş INVESTOR PRESENTATION CRM & Customer Experience Management (CEM) TEKNO BA Turuncu Kart 4.9 million Orange Card owners ~70% of total sales conducted through Orange Card Vast customer database allows for detailed monitoring of purchasing behavior and tailored CRM applications Recognition by mobile phone number Pre-campaign notifications Special discounts/campaigns for Orange Card holders Starting the Customer Segmentation Renew Project Via the First Phase of the Customer Experience Project Teknosa will take its first steps towards a more Customer Centric structure. Through a better CEM process, Teknosa will: ➤ Engage existing customers as a sustainable engine for growth, Increase operational and marketing Customer Infrastructure Processo efficiency, 16 Reduce revenue at-risk, Reduce the costs of new customer acquisition, ➤ Engage employees, reduce staff turnover and cost of hiring Organization Infrastructure Processes Custome
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