Income Statement and Eurosystem Funding Review slide image

Income Statement and Eurosystem Funding Review

Market Shares and Customer flows in Cyprus Market share evolution in Cyprus • Deposits 39,1% 40,0% 39,5% 40,5% 40,8% 41,1% Around 1% increase in the Bank's market share in deposits since the bottom. 38,1% 38,8% 37,2% 37,3% 37,7% The Bank's market share in loans has been hovering around 38% 27,9% 27,5% 26,4% 25,5% 24,9% 24,8% 24,6% 24,8% 25,0% 25,5% 25,3% Sep-13 Dec-13 Mar-14 Jun-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 Total customer flows per quarter (€ mn) -446 -411 -546 65 -11 450 • 386 Customer flows were positive during 1Q2015 142 -2.227 2Q2013 3Q2013 4Q2013 1Q2014 2Q2014 3Q2014 4Q2014 1Q2015 2Q2015* * Up to 28 May 2015 Post full abolition of capital controls in April 2015, customer flows are positive Bank of Cyprus 46 KOINO WKYNРIW 2235
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