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Investor Presentaiton

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Entrepreneurship of the Republic of Mordovia мой бизнес центр оказания услуг Service Center <<My business>»> All about measures to support entrepreneurship: from startup to export. ТОРГОВО-ПРОМЫШЛЕННАЯ ПАЛАТА РЕСПУБЛИКИ МОРДОВИЯ The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Re- public of Mordovia represents the interests of large, medium and small businesses, covering all areas of entrepreneurship: industry, domestic and foreign trade, agriculture, and financial system. АГЕНТСТВО ИННОВАЦИОННОГО РАЗВИТИЯ РЕСПУБЛИКИ МОРДОВИЯ The Agency for Innovative Development of the Republic of Mordovia is one of the key institutions for supporting innovative entrepreneurship in the region. Provides comprehensive support for innovative projects at the early stages of development. Технопарк-Мордовия Technopark-Mordovia is a territory of favorable conditions for the development and commercialization of innovations, where scientific organizations, higher educational institutions and manufacturing enterprises are united. Technopark combines the existing innova- tive infrastructure and enterprises of Mordovia into a single mechanism, creates additional incentives for the development of small and medium-sized businesses, including small scientific enterprises at universities and research institutes. The Innovative Technological Complex is a structural division of Mordovia State University. The main goal of the Complex is to provide systematic support for innovative activities and build an effective model for the commercialization of innovative products from idea to product on the market, the formation of a modern innovative ideology in the interests of devel- oping scientific and technical entrepreneurship in the region.
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