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Investor Presentaiton

Investor Presentation - First half 2022 Danske Bank Overall strong credit quality in portfolios exposed to current macro developments CRE: Generally low exposure to property development activities DKK 301 bn in gross exposure and ECL ~1% Agriculture: Well-provisioned agriculture book DKK 66 bn in gross exposure of which 51% RD and average stage 3 coverage ratio of 81% in Nordics Segment gross exposure Retail customers: Strong household finances and mortgage back-book mainly fixed rates for +5 years 48% of RD back-book are fixed-rate mortgages, and of the variable rates ~70% are fixed for 5 years RD back-book Avg. LTV RD-retail Segment gross exposure ■ Non-residential ■ Residential Property dev. 55% 41% Country gross exposure Crops Dairy Pig breeding ■ Mixed operations 4% 34% 48% 37% 18% 15% 34% Country gross exposure 54% 46% • • • • 47% 27% 13% 7% 6% ■ DK ■SE - NO ▪ FI ■ LC&I / Other Historical lending growth modest (-3% 3Y-CAGR in non-resi. since 01-19, +3% in resi.] given caps and concentration limits within sub-segments and markets, as well as for single-names, limiting downside risks Due to our conservative approach, our SE exposure has remained stable, despite market growth, and book is well-diversified with lower concentration risk over the past years The group's credit underwriting standards maintain strong focus on cash flows, interest rate sensitivity, LTV and the ability to withstand significant stress. PMAs of DKK 1.4 bn made to cover uncertainties regarding the affect of rapid interest rate increases and macroeconomic situation • • • 0% 60% 14% 24% 0% 50% 100% ■ DK - SE ■ NO ■ Fl LC&I / Other Fixed F5s Other ■LTV Home equity The credit quality of the portfolio has improved over the past few years, recovering from legacy exposures from the financial crisis The current credit risk appetite takes into account the volatility of the sector and remains in place. Furthermore, the group maintains strong underwriting standards on LTV, interest-only loans and interest rate sensitivity Post-model adjustments of DKK 1 bn have been made for potential future portfolio detoriation due to uncertainties such as African Swine Fewer (ASF), Chinese imports and the RU/UA war • • • Average LTVs have been decreasing over the past year supported by increasing house prices Affordability measures in general look strong, and both affordability and debt-to-income (DTI) levels remain stable overall Portfolio uncertainty risks are being mitigated by continuous monitoring and review of underwriting standards covering interest rate-related stress of affordability and other measures Low near-term refinancing risk on RD flex loans. Post-model adjustments related to personal customers total DKK 1.5 bn 31
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