Investor Presentaiton
A atvos
Private Social Investment
| 102-43 | 203-1 | 413-1 |
To contribute to social development
and transformation, our operations
within the communities embrace a
participative management model
involving Atvos, and the local
communities and governments in
defining and addressing the key
demands of the municipalities as
they strive for local development.
The issues attracting most attention
are education (basic, vocational
and environmental), development of
production activities, culture, health,
safety and environmental preservation.
In this respect, since 2009 we have
run the Social Energy initiative, and
a Private Social Investment program
that defines the guidelines for using
financial resources intended for
donations and support for social and
environmental projects. Since it was
created, the program has directly
benefited over 156,000 people in
the regions around our units, with
investment of R$25.8 million and
implementation of 81 projects. Over
1,580 community mobilization events
were also held.
The program is included in our Private
Social Investment Guideline, which
describes the entire process for crafting
the process, approval by the thematic
commission and the community
council, as well as implementation
and monitoring.
The second method of investment
comprising the directive is called
Community Support, for transparent,
low-cost, low-complexity, one-off and
immediate support initiatives
In case of any request for community
support, we have an on-line tool
available on our website (
sustentabilidade/apoio-comunitario). Besides
the requests, their approvals also take
place via the tool, thereby guaranteeing
traceability, history and transparency of all
requests. The model is based on our Private
Social Investment Guideline and is analyzed
by the Compliance and Sustainability areas
before management approval.
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