Investor Presentaiton
Top Pitch Deck Guidelines
Suggested Core Slide Deck: 15-30 slides (See "The "Best" Pitch Deck Outline")
There are no correct # of slides, only key pieces that need to be covered
Typical Deck Variations: 2 min (5 slides), 5 min (10 slides), 10-20 min (15-30 slides)
Keep slides clean, no clutter: ~1-5 bullets/slide, ~5-10 words/bullet and big clear images
Show, Don't Tell: Don't be cocky/braggy/hyperbolic, show AWESOME/AMAZING results!
Show "super simple" images, graphics and diagrams (that need little to no explanation)
Key Takeaways: Concisely summarize main points at the top or bottom of slides
Deck should be simple / clear enough to explain itself and not need you to present it
When presenting have add'l info/insight to share with each slide = Your "added value"
• Check for typos / math errors or internal inconsistencies (# widgets on slide A vs. slide B)
Consistent Formatting: Caps vs. lowercase, colors, font type, font size, spacing, etc.
Font Type: Arial (No odd looking letters = Easy to read)
Font Size: Only use size 20 or larger (Otherwise too hard to read from a distance)
Don't use dashes "-" as bullets, they look negative, use other styled bullets
Add page numbers (Bottom right of page)
Dark backgrounds with light text colors project well (kills printer ink, but who prints?)
You can also use white backgrounds with black/dark color font
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