Investor Presentaiton
Conclusion: Numerous cases of MS in the Northeast have been re-
ported, mainly in Bahia and Pernambuco, the latter being the state
with the highest number of deaths. The disease is more common in
men and in the age group of 20-59 years; and in most cases progress
to cure, showing that adequate treatment is effective. In addition, it
was noted that the number of cases is inversely proportional to the
increase of education.
Poison Exogenous Occurrence in Brazil's Northeast 2010-2015
Layane Duarte Silva; Marcela Bezerra Marques; Thájara Fer-
nandes De Sá Guimarães; Augusto César Evelin Rodrigues
Introduction: Poisoning is the manifestation through signs and
symptoms of the harmful effects produced in a living organism as a
result of its interaction with some chemical (exogenous). It may be
an accident or an assassination attempt or suicide, requiring survei-
llance and prevention. They are a public health problem worldwide
and to identify the toxic product and the danger involved are criti-
cal to effective treatment. Objectives: To analyze the occurrence of
Exogenous poisoning (IE) in northeastern Brazil from 2010 to 2015.
Methods: This was a retrospective quantitative epidemiological stu-
dy prepared from data taken from the Notifiable Diseases Informa-
tion System (SINAN). The data analyzed were age, sex, toxic agent,
circumstance and course of the disease in the Northeast from 2010
to 2015. The graphs and tables were made in Microsoft Office Excel
2014. Results: There were 98,552 reported cases of IES in the Nor-
theast, and 51,107 (51.88%) females and 47,417 (48.12%) in males. Of
all cases, the largest number occurred in Pernambuco (PE) to 33,205
(33.69%) cases, followed by Bahia (BA) with 15,973 (16.21%). The hig-
hest occurrence was in 2014, totaling 24.389 (24.75%) cases, where
the majority focused on PE with 8,394 (34.42%). Most reported by
IES were drugs, with 28 782 (29.20%) cases; 14,803 (15.02%) for food
and beverages; 8,314 (8.44%) for drug abuse; 5,346 (5.42%) by roden-
ticides; 5,202 (5.27) per household products; and 4,648 (4.72%) for
agricultural pesticides. Of reported poisonings, 23,049 (23.38%) cases
were assumed to suicide attempts; 15,563 (15.79%) referred to as
accidental; 10,083 (10.23%) for food intake; 7,853 (7.97%) by habitual
use of drugs; and 7,182 (7.29%) for abuse of drugs. Most evolved to
cure, with 65,328 (66.28%) achieved cure without sequelae and 1,459
(1.48%) followed for a Cure with sequel. In the same period they
were reported 1,266 (1.28%) deaths by IEs. The highest frequency of
cases occurred in people in the age group to 20 years with 39,207
(39.78%) cases, followed aged 20-39 years with 38,685 (39.25%). Con-
clusion: It was observed that the IES are more frequent in the female
population and in people younger than 20 years. Predominated in
2014 with higher incidence of PE. Most IEs were for medicines and
largely suicide attempt. Among the cases reported in the Northeast
most evolved into healing. The identification and description of the
epidemiological characteristics of the cases are of great relevance to
the treatment plan and the planning of preventive measures.
Percentage of Choledochal Calculations Extraction Success
via ERCP in a Public Hospital of Teresina (PI) in 2013
Evellyn Batista da Silva Flizikowski; Jayronn Jailson Santana
dos Santos; Bruno Viana Pontes
Introduction: Endoscopic retrograde
(ERCP) is a procedure involving the esophagus-gastroduodenal en-
doscopy with radiological techniques and is used for diagnosis and
possible treatment of diseases of the biliary and pancreatic ducts.
This technique has safety to 90% in the treatment of disorders of
biliary tract and pancreatic but has major complications such as sep-
sis. Objectives: This study aims to determine the success rate of the
common bile duct calculus extraction via ERCP in the Surgical Clinic
of a public hospital in Teresina - Piauí, in 2013. Methods: Study in
Surgical Clinic of the Hospital Getúlio Vargas (HGV) in Teresina (PI).
For data collection was carried out active surveillance of patients
through the operating theater of the hospital record book, using the
Keywords: "coledocoplasty", "ERCP" or "endoscopic papillotomy". A
universe of twenty-nine were found (29) procedures between the
period 01 Jan to 31 December 2013. Then, there was the search of
the medical records of patients. Of the 29 recorded procedures, 6
patients were excluded from the study because the records were not
found, leaving a sample of 23 patients. The results were analyzed
using the Microsoft Excel 2010 program. Results: Of the 23 procedu-
res, 60.9% was female patients, 39.1% were male and all with thera-
peutic indication. In terms of age, the most discussed age group was
between 31 and 40 years, a total of 8 patients. The average hospital
stay was 14.4 days. Complication, were found four patients who had
post-procedure pancreatitis. In this study, the successful removal of
common bile duct stones by ERCP, was achieved in 88% of patients
not being achieved in 3 patients (12%). When we analyze a single en-
doscopic procedure using only balloon and the basket, which is the
case in this series, are success rates of 70-75%. Conclusion: ERCP is
a method used for therapeutic purposes and its greatest indication
relies on CDL. In 2013, the hospital under study reached a success
rate for surgery for ERCP than found in other studies using similar
resources available to this institution (basket and the balloon).
Socioeconomic Profile of Pregnant Women Assisted in a Basic
Health Unit in Maranhão between 2014 and 2015
Núbia Barros de Araújo; Flávia Coelho Mohana Pinheiro; Lívia
de Castro Eloi; Samir Henrique Corso; Patrícia Magalhães
Coelho; Elane Carvalho de Oliveira
Introduction: It is considered the pre-natal a time of physicall and
psychological preparation for childbirth and motherhood, therefore,
a period of learning by the woman and her family and an opportu-
nity for the health team develop education in the process of care.
Prenatal consists of a call to the woman during the pregnancy pe-
riod, in which "basic care during pregnancy includes the prevention
of disease and injury, health promotion and treatment of problems
experienced during pregnancy to postpartum". In this context, ex-
plains the importance of this study, when the interest of this broke
the UNICEUMA PET Health Research Group which researchers parti-
cipate in order to meet the population served to qualify the con-
sultation and provide feedback to the health facility. Objectives: To
describe and analyze the epidemiological profile of pregnant women
attended at a Basic Health Unit in Maranhão in the years 2014 and
2015. Methods: We applied 53 questionnaires containing questions
about the habits during pregnancy (alcoholism, smoking and drug
use), desired type of birth, abortions, pregnancy complications, pre-
natal start date, applied vaccines, knowledge of the contraceptive
methods and if there was sexual orientation. Data were tabulated
by Microsoft Excell 2011 and Bioestat 5.0 programs. Included were
all low-risk pregnant women, without exclusion criteria, During the
years 2014 and 2015. Results: Regarding habits during pregnancy,
98.1% of pregnant women do not smoke and 92.3% did not ingest
alcoholic beverages during pregnancy. There were no reports of drug
use. They claimed to be 34.6% in the first pregnancy; 60.7% said
they prefer vaginal delivery and 39.3% will opt for cesarean section.
70% of pregnant women reported never having suffered abortion,
24% reported having aborted first time and 6% reported having com-
mitted two abortions. As for the beginning of prenatal care, in most
cases, the assistance was initiated at 2 and 3 months, with 31.4%
and 35.3%, respectively. The most frequent pregnancy complications
were anemia (18%), bleeding (6%) and urinary tract infection (2%);
however, 68% of the women surveyed said they had not suffered
any complication in the period. 72% said they had received sexual
orientation (45.7% in school, 11.4% in the family; 14.3% in UBS) and
80.4% knew the contraceptive methods offered by UBS. Conclusion:
A good prenatal care ensures the involvement of professionals in the
development of a pregnancy without risks being an excellent indica-
tor of efficiency of public health policies aimed at reducing morbidity
and mortality during this period .The multidisciplinary care and the
location of the patient on a broader context of how the health of the
citizen is treated by society denotes the need for restructuring in the
primary care service for pregnant women. Restructuring that can co-
ver this, especially those that are vulnerable conditions represented
by the data described above.
Antinociceptive Activity Assessment of Hydroalcoholic Ex-
tract of Persea Americana Mill
Lilaléa Gonçalves França; Emerson Luzas Frazão Sousa; Abner
de Oliveira Freire; Vitor Fernandes Rios; João Batista Santos
Garcia; Maria do Socorro de Sousa Cartágenes
Introduction: The evolution of the human species has always been
associated with the use and/ or interest in the development of drugs
from natural products, which underscores the importance of traditio-
nal knowledge for the evolution of scientific knowledge, particularly
the chemical and pharmacological studies, investigating increasing
the effectiveness of byproducts, especially those used in folk me-
dicine for therapeutic purposes. The popular tradition and the will
to get relief from the suffering currently have a significant place in
society, either by self-medication or the accredited drug indication.
The plant species Persea americana (avocado) presents the popular
use indication as hormonal regulator, antifungal, anti-inflammatory
and antioxidant, giving the same therapeutic potential. Objectives: To
evaluate the antinociceptive activity hidroacoólico extract of Persea
americana (EHPA) using the method of writhing induced by acetic
acid. Methods: The extract is obtained by maceration (1: 3) using
leaves of the sprayed species and 70% ethanol as solvent. After 4
hours fasting, the animals were randomly divided into six groups
and treated orally with EHPA (1, 5, or 29.4 mg / kg) or vehicle (sali-
ne). After 30 minutes, all animals were induced with 0.8% acetic acid
(0.1ml 10g of body weight, intraperitoneally). The manifestation
of pain is characterized by abdominal contractions of the animal
followed by twisting of the trunk and extension of hind limbs for
20 minutes, this time interval by dividing into four times 5 minutes
of observation. The results were expressed as numbers of writhes
performed. Results: During the evaluation, the EHPA at a dose of 1
mg/kg which was the better results in the reduction of number of
writhings and therefore greater analgesic potency. Doses of 5 and
29.4 mg/kg generated less effective analgesic actions. Conclusion:
EHPA reduced the pain signals in mice induced with acetic acid.
"Taking Care of Who Cares": Experience Report on Family
Caregivers of Institutionalized Psychiatric Patients
Daniela Batalha Jardim Ramos Rocha; Lidiane Morais Lima;
Bruno Luiz Avelino Cardoso
Introduction: The health-disease process suffers direct environmen-
tal influences and physical conditions to which we are exposed. With
the process of deinstitutionalization, the care of the patients' basic
needs, the coordination of their daily activities, medication adminis-
tration (and) monitoring health services, became part of the family
routine. Family caregivers began to manage the crisis incident, pro-
vide them with social support, bear costs and overcome difficulties
of these tasks. Influence the management of overhead availability of
social support networks, social-sanitary laws, the structure and ade-
quacy of mental health services. The Experience: This case involves
a patient diagnosed with HIV, about two years, after which the news
because of their aggressive behavior pattern was admitted by rela-
tives immediately in a psychiatric institution. It is a man of 43 years
old, divorced, no children. He decided to quit his job because repor-
ted that he could no longer work due to illness. His older brother (S)
decided to join him in medical and psychological consultations. As
the patient became more dependent emerged the need for a caregi-
ver longer present. S. had assumed some responsibilities for patient
care, but these intensified when the health status of this worsened.
S. interrupted his job, was married and had two children. His routine
began to be changed, and leisure subtracted. The high level of stress
and anxiety brought on S. sleep disorders and appetite, which led
to a considerable increase in weight. Conflict in marriage threatened
a marital separation. Conclusion: Driving a empathetic look to the
caregiver, offering comprehensive care for its task, considering the
primary sources of stress and possible negative interference both in
their physical health and emotional, should be given prominence in
interventional methods. The recognition of its importance, contribu-
tions and the difficulties they face as a decisive step for the deve-
lopment of community care practices sensitive to the population's
needs, such as implementation of psychoeducational groups, regular
home visits and help to develop coping strategies overload.
Arthur Antunes Silva Castro; Laizza Dos Anjos Vaz; Jeferson
Anderson Medeiros; Lívia Camarota Borges; Caubi De Araújo
Medeiros; Fernanda De Oliveira Franco
Introduction: Cardiopulmonary arrest (CA) is an entity with high ra-
tes of mortality, representing an important public health problem.
About half of the CA's happen outside the hospital, requiring an
effective approach to the situation. Objectives: Analyze the knowled-
ge of health professionals of Peritoró-MA about the management of
cardiopulmonary arrest. Methods: Data were collected through for-
mulated questionnaire with basis in scientific articles about CA, and
applied to health-care professionals of Peritoró-MA. Results: Thirty
seven healthcare professionals of Peritoró-MA participated answe-
ring the questionnaires, including community health agents, nursing
technicians and nurses. Of these professionals, 87% had not yet had
contact with instructions for basic life support and 35% of the total
had already worked on situations of CA. From the data reviewed, it is
concluded that the knowledge about the approach and management
of out-of-hospital CA by the health-care professionals of Peritoró isn't
sufficient, since most reports showed absence of previous contact
with training and/or studies about CA. Conclusion: Considering the
data obtained, there is a deficiency with regard to skills in handling
victims of cardiac arrest. There is a need to deploy methods in the
public health system to offer better theoretical-practical training on
CA and this is a conduct that should be implemented immediately.
Induced Cytotoxicity by Abundant Polysaccharides Fraction
Isolated from Babassu Mesocarp
Isolda Ribeiro e Silva; Letícia Prince Pereira Pontes; Luce Ma-
ria Brandão Torres; Vanessa Fátima de Oliveira; Flávia Raquel
Fernandes do Nascimento; Ana Paula Silva de Azevedo dos
Introduction: Polysaccharides from natural sources are immune
response modifier molecules, activating both innate and adaptive
immune system. Attalea speciosa Mart. ex Spreng (Babassu) has an
abundant polysaccharides constitution; Babassu has shown immu-
nomodulatory activity in biological essays as a potential antitumor
immunotherapy adjuvant. Objectives: Evaluate cytotoxic capacity of
Polysaccharides Fraction from Babassu mesocarp in Ehrlich tumor
cells. Methods: Extraction of total carbohydrates was accomplished
by aqueous extraction of mesocarp Babassu powder in water bath
at 80° C for 15 minutes, in four cycles, obtaining final ratio of 1:200
(drug: solvent). After centrifugation (2500 rpm, 15 minutes), super-
natant was concentrated on rotaevaporator, obtaining a Total Car-
bohydrates Extract (TCE). Polysaccharides Fraction (PF) was accom-
plished by addition of ethanol (3:1 v/v) to TCE for polysaccharides
precipitation. Determination of total carbohydrates was accomplis-
hed by chemical qualitative tests and HPAEC/PAD. Quantitative tests
for carbohydrates (Dubois method) and proteins (Bradford method)
were also performed. Evaluation of cytotoxicity was accomplished
by Trypan Blue and MTT methods at 100-1.5μg/mL concentrations.
Results: TCE and PF concentrations were 24.24 and 0.274 mg/ml,
respectively. Qualitative tests have identified simple and complex
carbohydrates in both extracts. Chromatographic profiles have de-
termined presence of glucose, fructose and sucrose, and Bradford
test has shown 1% of proteins in the extract. Trypan Blue assay has
shown that both extracts had cytotoxicity at higher concentrations
only (5 and 2.5 μg/ml), at a frequency of 46% and 60% dead cells. FP
was evaluated at two different times (2 and 4 hours); results have
shown 72% and 21% of cytotoxicity at 100ug/ml concentration. Then,
inhibitory concentration (IC50) was determined; the IC50 was 24.30
μg/ml and 69.04 µm/ml at 2 and 4 hours, respectively. Conclusion:
According to results, extractive method used could extract polysac-
charide, showing the extract has mostly polysaccharides instead of
other compounds and the extract has a good cytotoxicity on tumor
Basic Life Support: Knowledge of Healthcare Professionals of
Pharmatherapeutic segment realized in a metabolic syndro-
me patient
Tatiana Alves Miranda, Isolda Ribeiro e Silva, Maria Luiza
2015 Vol 3 Suppl 1
2015 Vol 3 Suppl 1
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