Nova Realidade Covid-19 após 1 ano slide image

Nova Realidade Covid-19 após 1 ano

New reality | Digital Innovation New loT services, SVAs and multi-sector services, massive low-cost solutions ETIM Claro vivo VIVO is advancing beyond telco services to become a partner hub for digital solutions 部 目 KEY ATTRIBUTES Exclusive benefits for Vivo's customers One stop shop for U2C and B2 Simplified shopping/payment experience Carrier billing: recurning relationship Faster integration with full-stack B2C куклатас KPMG Vivo as the hub for digital services PARTNERS BZB gmazan NOKIA CISCO vmware Office 36 Develop loT at scale and monetize verticals ConectarAGRO - The only operator in this initiative developing solutions for agribusiness ⚫ New partnership with C6 Bank First partnership between a telco and a bank to develop joint solutions • Mobile Advertising TIM Ads test campaign for prepaid customers: reward in data package for video viewing grandes parceiros no agro citrosuco AMAGG SLC Agricola adecoagro JALLES MACHADO 0409 de Compensação TIM C6BANK Conal de vendas Clientes de Alto Voor Cronus? RCm breve, você recebe T mese devedes so • Claro + Plug and Play Claro joins the global innovation platform to seek new business opportunities with startups "The partnership with Plug and Play establishes a great ecosystem of collaboration, acceleration and co-creation with startups, mainly in the areas of loT, Smartcities, connected homes and cars, Industry 4.0, connected agriculture and fintechs" Claro's Marketing Director, Marcio Carvalho GM connected car with 4.5G in partnership with Claro With "Wi-Fi Powered by Claro", passengers can use the vehicle itself as a hotspot to access the operator's mobile internet, without consuming data from the smartphone. © 2021 KPMG Auditores Independentes Ltda., a Brazilian limited liability company and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved. BD210890 Página | 47
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