Changing Global Scenario and Bangladesh Economy: What Should Be the Policy Stance? slide image

Changing Global Scenario and Bangladesh Economy: What Should Be the Policy Stance?

Jun-16 10.1 Aug-16 10.3 Oct-16 Dec-16 9.2 Feb-17 Apr-17 Jun-17 CPD (2022): Changing Global Scenario and Bangladesh Economy: What Should Be the Policy Stance? 10.5 10.1 Independent Review of RBD Bangladesh's Development 10.8 Aug-17 Oct-17 10.7 Dec-17 Feb-18 9.3 3 Apr-18 Jun-18 10.4 Banking sector Figure: Share of classified loans to total outstanding (in %) Aug-18 11.5 Oct-18 Dec-18 10.3 Feb-19 11.9 11.7 Source: Bangladesh Bank □ Despite several provisions in view of the pandemic, the banking sector is plagued by classified loans and capital shortfalls 6 9. Apr-19 Jun-19 Aug-19 Oct-19 Dec-19 Feb-20 Apr-20 Jun-20 Aug-20 12.0 Oct-20 Dec-20 7.7 Feb-21 8.1 Apr-21 Jun-21 8.2 Aug-21 Oct-21 Dec-21
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