Invest in the Future. Transform it now. slide image

Invest in the Future. Transform it now.

KfW Green Bond awards Received in 2022 Environmental Finance Bond Awards 2023 Winner Green bond of the year - agency KFW KfW wins Largest Development Bank Green Bond in 2021 Climate Bonds 7TH CLIMATE BONDS AWARDS EUR 3bn KfW Green Bond 1.375% 2022/2032 Debut benchmark issue under our 2022 updated green bond framework 11.3 times oversubscribed order book (€34+ bn) Broad investor diversification (250+ accounts), 84% placed with 'green' investors KFW Invest in the Future. Transform it now. / November 2023 EUR 4bn KfW Green Bond 0,00% 2021/2029 ▪ Largest € Green Bond of the year 2021 issued by a non-sovereign SSA issuer (excluding re-openings) 85% of proceeds used for energy-efficient homes in Germany, 15% for renewable energy projects 35
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