Investor Presentaiton
This Presentation does not constitute or form part of, and should not be construed as, any offer to sell or issue or invitation to purchase or subscribe for, or any solicitation of any
offer to purchase or subscribe for, any securities of Public Joint Stock Company "Chelyabinsk Pipe Plant" (the "Company" and together with its consolidated subsidiaries the
"Group"), nor shall it or any part of it nor the fact of its distribution form the basis of, or be relied on in connection with, any contract or investment decision in relation thereto nor
does it constitute a recommendation regarding the securities of the Company.
The information in this Presentation may include forward-looking statements, which are based on current expectations, projections and assumptions about future events. These
statements may include, without limitation, any statements preceded by, followed by or including words such as "target", "believe", "expect", "aim", "intend", "may", "anticipate",
"estimate", "plan", "project", "will", "can have", "likely", "should", "would", "could" and other words and terms of similar meaning or the negative thereof. These forward-looking
statements include all matters that are not historical facts. These forward-looking statements as well as those included in any other information discussed in the Presentation are
subject to known or unknown risks, uncertainties and assumptions about the Group and its investments, including, among other things, the development of its business, its growth
plan, trends in its operating industry, its future capital expenditures and acquisitions. In light of these risks, uncertainties and assumptions, the events in the forward-looking
statements may not occur and actual results, performance or achievements may materially differ from any future results, performance or achievements that may be expressed
or implied in this Presentation. No representation or warranty is made that any forward-looking statement will come to pass or that any forecast results will be achieved. There are
a number of factors that could cause actual results and developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied by these statements and forecasts. Past performance
of the Company and the Group cannot be relied on as a guide to future performance. Forward-looking statements speak as of the date of this Presentation and no one
undertakes to release any update or revision of any such forward looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. No statement in this
presentation is intended to be a profit forecast. Accordingly, undue reliance should not be placed on any forward-looking statement contained in this Presentation.
Certain industry, market and competitive position data contained in this Presentation come from official or third party sources. Third party industry publications, studies and
surveys generally state that the data contained therein have been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but there is no guarantee of the accuracy or completeness of
such data. While the Company reasonably believes that each of these publications, studies and surveys has been prepared by a reputable source, none of the Company, the
Shareholders, the Banks, nor any of their respective subsidiary undertakings or affiliates, or its or their respective directors, officers, employees, advisers or agents, have
independently verified the data contained therein. In addition, certain of the industry, market and competitive position data contained in this Presentation come from the
Group's own internal research and estimates based on the knowledge and experience of the Group's management in the markets in which the Group operates. While the
Company reasonably believes that such research and estimates are reasonable and reliable, they, and their underlying methodology and assumptions, have not been verified
by any independent source for accuracy or completeness and are subject to change. Accordingly, undue reliance should not be placed on any of the industry, market or
competitive position data contained in this Presentation.
Certain information contained in this Presentation is subject to rounding adjustments. Accordingly, any discrepancies between the totals and the sums of the amounts listed are
due to rounding. Certain financial information and operating data relating to the Group contained in this Presentation has not been audited and in some cases is based on
management information and estimates, and is subject to change. This Presentation also includes certain non-IFRS measures, which have not been subject to a financial audit
for any period and which may differ materially from similarly-titled measures used by other companies.
The information in this Presentation has not been independently verified. The information and opinions contained in this Presentation are provided as at the date of the
Presentation and are subject to amendment, completion and change without notice. In giving this Presentation, neither the Company, nor any of their respective subsidiary
undertakings or affiliates, or its or their respective directors, officers, employees, advisers or agents, undertakes any obligation to amend, correct or update this Presentation or to
provide the recipient with access to any additional information that may arise in connection with it.
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