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Investor Presentaiton

PANORAMA OF THE PRIVATE SECTOR'S PARTICIPATION IN SANITATION 2021 Concessions There are many models in which munici- palities and states can count on the private sector in the concession of water and sew- age services. The options are as follows. It is important to stress that all models pre- sented herein can be replicated/modeled according to the model of regionalized pro- vision model, as proposed in the new mile- stone of sanitation. Full or partial concessions Granting power transfers the following to Full concessions include both water and the concessionaire: a) all operation and maintenance of the wa- ter supply system and/or sewage services; b) responsibility to make the necessary investments for a given period (long con- tracts), during which the concessionaire will be remunerated by charging fees to us- ers. The public authorities set rules on the qual- ity of services and the tariffs composition, and a regulatory agency is responsible for monitoring the application of the terms laid down by the contract. sewage services. Partial concessions may be adopted only for one or the other of these services (water or sewage). Concessions, be they full or partial, may be either municipal ( serving a single munici- pality) or micro-regional/regional (serving more than one municipality). There are full and partial concessions, both municipal and micro-regional/regional, in nearly all Brazilian states. 90 A NEW SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC FRONTIER FOR BRAZIL TABLE 6 Total population served and materialized investment in 2019 in private municipal concessions Source: SNIS and SPRIS Municipal Concessions Benefited population* Investment materialized in 2019 13,318,157 BRL 1,485,453,306 * There are municipalities with more than one municipal concession. For these cases, it was analyzed whether there is overlap of the benefited pop- ulation and suppressed the amount that would generate double counting. Details can be found on page 127. GRAPH 29 Distribution of municipal concessions by States Source: SPRIS MA 3 AM 1 PA 7 PI 2 RO MT 4 38 739 ΤΟ 34 BA 2 MG 6 MS 1 SP 33 PR 2= RJ 11 1 SC 15 RS 2 ES 91
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