Investor Presentaiton
Woolworths Group Full Year Results 2022
Glossary continued
Voice of Supplier (VOS)
VOC NPS is based on feedback from Woolworths Rewards members. VOC NPS is the number of promoters (score of nine or 10) less the number of
detractors (score of six or below)
A survey of a broad spectrum of suppliers facilitated by an external provider. The survey is used to provide an ongoing measure of the effectiveness of
business relationships with the supplier community. VOS is the average of the suppliers' rating across various attributes scored as a percentage of suppliers
that provided a rating of six or seven on a seven-point scale
Third party logistics
Other non-IFRS measures used in describing the business performance include:
Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA)
Cash flow from operating activities before interest and tax
Significant items
Fixed assets and investments
Net investment in inventory
Free cash flow after equity related financing activities excluding dividends
Net assets held for sale
Net tax balances
Closing inventory days
Closing trade payable days
Average inventory days
Change in average prices
Trading area
Margins including gross profit, CODB and EBIT/(LBIT)
Volume productivity metrics including transaction growth,
items per basket and item growth
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