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Investor Presentaiton

Credit Risk - Analysis of problem loans Analysis of problem loans - Cyprus operations (€ bn) (Jun-15) 0,4 1,0 0,6 0,1 11,4 10,5 0,1 0,8 €2,5 bn 10 0,1 13,6 with arrears >90+DPD Impaired -no arrears other IFRS and Total 90+ DPD with forbearance reclassification adj measure 90+ DPD re-forborne within 2 years forborne >30+ Contagion effect Other DPD reclassification adjustments NPES The Bank is taking targeted action to address the 2,5 bn of NPE exposures that do not present arrears over 90 days The Bank's main focus for addressing the problem loans is the active management of the 10,5 bn of loans with arrears over 90+DPD Bank of Cyprus KOINO WKYMPιW * 90+ DPD are loans with a specific provision (i.e. impaired loans) and loans past-due for more than 90 days but not impaired 55
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