Amur Tiger Conservation Education Program
Master in Taiga?" and then answered questions and solved riddles about tiger, its habitat
and other dwellers of Primorsky forests. Then, they played another game called
"Dominoes". As a result, the lesson lasted longer than it was supposed to as the children
enjoyed playing and learning new facts about the Amur tiger and other wild animals.
On March 25, the lesson "Protect Forest from Fire" was held for 37 kindergarten children.
The goal of the class was to teach the children the fire safety rules, identify main causes
of forest fires and its impact on wildlife. The members of ecological centre started the
lesson with a quiz game. The preschoolers were divided into two teams that had to guess
various riddles about nature. A card with a letter was given for each correct answer and
when all the riddles were solved the children lined up and formed a phrase "FOREST
FIRE”. Thereupon the educator asked questions regarding fire safety rules and the
children showed satisfactory awareness. At the end of the class the most active
participants were awarded with small prizes. The children from senior and preparatory
groups handed their tiger drawings and craftworks over to the eco-centre members for a
forthcoming exhibition "Long Live the Tiger" that was to be in May 2010.
In April, the educator held two classes for 23 children aged 10-12. On April 7, the
educator gave a lesson "Enemies and Friends of the Amur tiger" for 12 children aged 10-
11. The purpose of the lesson was to acquaint the children with factors, that limit tiger
numbers (enemies) and the system of tiger protection (friends); and to foster in children a
sense of responsibility for nature.
The educator led the lesson with several senior members of the Kirovka eco-club. First
she gave a short lecture on factors that ruined nature and disturbed forest inhabitants.
Then she suggested each children describing some animal on their choice: how it reacted
to danger, in what way changed in different seasons etc. They tried to explain how a tiger
behaved when it felt a danger. Then each pupil in turn spoke about one of the tiger
enemies, and ways to help tigers survive.
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Eco-forum in Kirovka, May 2010
© Phoenix
On April 21, the educator gave a lesson
"The biggest feline on Earth" for 11
children 11-12 years old of Kirovka
secondary school. The purpose of the
lesson was to summarize and widen
children's knowledge on the Amur tiger.
As it was not the first time for the children
to come to the eco-centre, the educator
prepared more difficult questions for them
about tigers and their habitat. The lesson
was organized as a game "Wheel of
Fortune". All the participants were
involved in it.
In May, the educator held 2 ecological
events for 47 children aged 10-12. On
May 19, she organized an ecological forum “Earth is our home" for 35 children 10-12
years old of the secondary school of Kirovka town. The pupils presented their reports on
different animals and plants, and about their project on planting lotus in Lebedinoye lake.
The educator Galina Goy told them about the Amur tiger and Amur lepard that live in our
region, and why it was hard for them to survive. At the end of the lesson the pupils took
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