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Investor Presentaiton

Fiscal, Monetary, and Financial Sector Policy Mix for Green Economy Fiscal Policy: KEMENTERIAN KEUANGAN REPUBLIK INDONESIA 1. Mitigation Fiscal Framework 2. Implementation of Govt. Expenditure for Climate Change 3. Tax Facilities 4. Republic of Indonesia's Green Bond/Sukuk Framework 5. Sustainable Finance Platform: SDG Indonesia One, Green Climate Fund, BPDLH 6. Development of Climate Change Fiscal Framework BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA Central Bank Policy: 1. Macroprudential Policy that encourages financing in green building and environmentally friendly vehicles 2. Technical Assistance/Capacity Building to increase awareness about sustainable and green finance 3. International Cooperation Forum (Network for Greening the Financial System/NGFS) QJ OTORITAS JASA KEUANGAN Financial Sector Authority Policy: 1. Roadmap of Sustainable Finance, 2. Regulation of Sustainable Finance Implementation, 3. Green Bond/Sukuk Regulation, 4. Capability Enhancement to market participants with support from the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the Sustainable Banking Network (SBN) Source: Ministry of Finance 106
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