Investor Presentaiton
Slovakia - Credit Strengths
2003 Agentúra pre riadenie dlhu a likvidity
2023 Dobi and Liquidity Management Agency
Resilient Economic
Sound Fundamentals
Fiscal Discipline
Steady Debt Dynamics
Strong track record of economic growth: expected to remain above eurozone
median in 2023 driven by public investment
Sustained medium-term growth: Expected increase in private consumption
and steady labour market coupled with increased external demand
An export-oriented performer with balanced external accounts: moderate
current account deficits explained by investment imports
Well capitalized banking sector profitable with good asset quality
Approved multi-annual expenditure ceilings: fundamental fiscal reform leading
to more binding medium-term budgeting
Stability Programme targets deficit to decline close to 2% of GDP in 2026
Public debt below 58% of GDP, well below the Euro Area average of 90% of GDP
High debt affordability: borrowing costs remain lower than peers, owing to
sound debt management and ECB's quantitative easing program
Export Oriented
Competitive export sectors with high value niches in key industrial sectors
(motor vehicles, machinery, equipment, metal products, electronics, etc.)
Member of Key Political
and Economic
EU and Eurozone membership: supports Slovakia's institutional strength and
credible macroeconomic policies
EU funds serve as stable, predictable and low-cost source of growth
Source: MoF, Fitch, IMFView entire presentation