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Investor Presentaiton

16 How to INVEST in São Paulo STATES 17 PUBLIC-PRIVATE Partnerships The public-private partnership (PPP) program of São Paulo State was introduced by Law 11688, approved by Governor Geraldo Alckmin on May 19th, 2004. Under the PPP modality, companies execute and operate projects and are remunerated by the State through contracts with durations ranging from 5 years to 35 years, in accordance with Federal Law 11079 of 2004. For the Government of São Paulo State, the successful concessions of highways and natural gas distribution created a favorable environment for the implementation of PPPs. For instance, the new Imigrantes Highway was implemented in a private participation scheme within 32 months, with no need of government financial resources. Some of the projects which are being analyzed and that can possibly be carried out through PPPs are: regional airports; the express train linking the center of São Paulo to the Airport of Cumbica; the Train of Guarulhos; the Campinas-Paraíba Valley Export Corridor and the expansion of the Port of São Sebastião. Other sectors that present potential for PPP projects are health, housing, sanitation, education and information technology. The technical coordination of the Public-Private Partnership program is performed by the PPP Unit, a technical and advising entity under the Secretariat of Planning and Regional Development. Private Sector Initiative: the Government of São Paulo State introduced, through decree 57289 of 2011, the Private Sector Initiative (MIP). It is a fast, economical and transparent means to promote foreign and domestic investment to projects of interest to the State. The decree has established a formal communication channel between the market and the government and helps bridging the gap between government investment plans and their implementation. It is a procedure that allows investors to put forward proposals for investment projects in the format of PPPs. With this new instrument, the State opens its doors for private investors to identify business opportunities in which they are willing to invest, enabling the implementation of State projects requiring large sums of funds and, at the same time, leveraging the capability of the State to invest in strategic areas, such its social policy. The MIP is a mechanism that will centralize receipt, publication, analysis and approval of proposals, studies and projects sent by the private sector, according to the general rules set out in the PPP Program. A Step by Step Guide to the MIP Process PRIVATE SECTOR INITIATIVE (MEP) CONTRACT (PPP Project winner reimburses selected technical study authori APPROVAL VALUATION by State Comminion REJECTION Technical studies Technical shades Technical studies PPP Project APPROVAL PUBLIC BIDDING for the PPP REJECTION PRELIMINARY PPP PROPOSAL PUBLIC CALL For detailed technical studies including alteration EVALLIATION by State Commission Labor Market The labor market in São Paulo is characterized by its great availability of qualified workforce. Most of the employed population in São Paulo State has studied, at least, for 11 years. The proportion of employed people with 15 or more years of study is 36% higher in São Paulo than the Brazilian average. In 2009, 37% of the employed population in the State was concentrated in the services sector. Industry and commerce accounted for 21% and 19%, respectively, followed by construction and agriculture. Distribution of the Employed Population According to Sectors in São Paulo State Other Activities Agriculture 11% 5% Construction 7% Commerce 19% Industry 21% of the state's GDP. The existing relationship between the demographic, social and industrial dynamics in São Paulo render a high supply and demand of services provided to companies, as well as services provided to the final consumer, in addition to the services for the health, education and infrastructure areas. Major Segments: • Information and communication services; • Professional, administrative and supplementary services; ⚫Transports, transport auxiliary services and mail. Services 37% Trade Source: IBGE, National Research through Residence Sample, 2009, Services São Paulo State is the most important services center in the country. The service sector accounts for over 70% Important segment of the services sector, trade in São Paulo State accounts for one third of Brazil's total, with USD 279 billion of gross revenues having been generated in the State. Retail is the most important segment of the state's commerce, with 47% of its marketing margin. It is followed by wholesale (42%) and vehicle, autoparts and motorcycle commerce (11%). Having approximately 350 thousand establishments and 2.7 million jobs, retail is the greatest employer, since 71% of the employed people work in this sector.
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