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Klarna Business Update

Balance sheet Amounts in SEKm Assets Cash and balances with central banks Treasury bills chargeable at central banks, etc. Loans to the public Other current and non-current assets Total assets Liabilities Liabilities to credit institutions Deposits from the public Debt securities in issue Other current and non-current liabilities Equity Total equity Total liabilities and equity Numbers may not sum due to rounding. Jun 30 2020 1,922 5,301 32,975 8,516 48,714 2,541 23,687 4,768 8,323 9,395 48,714 Dec 31 2019 107 2,511 29,655 7,617 39,889 4,940 12,288 5,583 7,423 9,655 39,889 Jun 30 2019 1 2,496 22,639 5,336 30,472 466 15,218 1,998 6,908 5,882 30,472 ■ Loans to the public growth of 46% year-on-year, reflecting the overall volume growth. ■ Materially increased cash and liquidity buffer, reflected by 189% growth in cash and treasury bills chargeable at central banks, etc. ■ Loans to the public have been partly funded by the increase in Deposits from the public, which have increased by 56% year-on-year to SEK 24bn, primarily driven by EUR deposits. ■ Klarna also issued debt and raised new equity during the last twelve months, as reflected by the increase in Debt securities in issue by 139% and Total equity by 60%. K.
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