Freyr Results Presentation Deck
Update on financing initiatives
Key capital formation activities proceeding in parallel on back of CQP performance
Corporate Financing
Giga Arctic Financing
Traditional debt project financing making continued progress on due diligence and documentation (ECAS, EIB, NIB, banks)
Awarded EUIF €100 million grant; participating in additional government grant processes (Europe and Norway)
Norwegian IRA response key to global competitiveness and capital structure, and drives timing for next phase of construction
Giga America Financing
Project level equity raise in process (for Phase 1a) targeting $1 billion
DOE LPO Title XVII application (to finance Phase 1b) process has commenced; Part 1 draft sent to DOE (leveraging Phase 1a equity)
Traditional project financing process starting in parallel (same requirements as DoE - offtake, supply chain, technical risk mitigation, etc)
All financing initiatives bolstered by U.S. IRA (45X Production Tax Credits) and State and County grants and tax abatements
$1 billion of common equity raised (2021, 2022)
Balancing speed of capital deployment with commitment to strong liquidity profile
$384 million 2Q 2023 cash balances
Multiple sources of financing available – banks, governments, strategic partners, private capital, public capital
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