AngloAmerican Results Presentation Deck slide image

AngloAmerican Results Presentation Deck

110 Map of Quellaveco % Loader Transportation. jetway Anglo American Storage dome Moquegua River Asana Moquegua Tumilaca River Capillune River L PAPUJUNE CONCENTRATING PLANT Tambo River Flotation area Mill area Asana Thickeners Dome PAPUJUNE CONCENTRATING PLANT Flotation Mill area area T**** the 3.5 km conveyor 3.1 km belt tunnel Thickeners Dome Primary crusher 3.5 km conveyor 3.1 km belt tunnel MINING AREA Site TAMBO RIVER Primary crusher MINING AREA Site Asana River diversion tunnel Coralaque TITIRE RIVER Titire River water intake Asana River diversion tunnel The water pipe is 95km long. Vizcachas River ASANA RIVER Asana River VIZCACHAS DAM The dam is 41 meters in height, with a capacity of 60 million m³. 52
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